Acts of Leadersheep –
Scrum Masters

Acts of Leadersheep –

S ummary

share individual stories of your management experiences, motivate your group and assist each other to move better together

Workout Objective

exchange experiences, show, provide and get feedback, and train acts of management

The number of gamers?

6– 20 individuals, e.g. Agile group, management group, management training group.


1– 2 hours


Product & & Preparation

Act-of-Leadersheep-Cards Get your card deck (* quickly to come *) or compose your own cards, e.g.



Have pens and sticky notes for all gamers.

Video Game Objective

to bring the circle as close together as possible (and comfy)

How to play?

All individuals being in a big circle.

A volunteer attempts to stand, draws an Leadersheep-Challenge-Card and shares a story how they revealed an according act of management in the past.

[Timekeeping by facilitator or self organized: approximately 30 seconds of thinking, 90 seconds of sharing]

Others show about the story and the influence on their ideas and insights about management. They are welcomed to sketch and compose a Leadersheep-Appreciation-Card Taking turns, they step up to the voluntary speaker and provide pleased feedback while turning over the card.

Group is asked if this example assisted them advance as a group and (non-verbally) picks moving their seats appropriately towards the middle of their circle.

Next volunteer draws a Leadersheep-Challenge-Card


Thank you for generating concepts, lively times and important feedback:

Pete Rössler, Glen Waters, Ellen Grove, Olaf Bublitz, Wael, Sascha, Thorsten Glöckner, Silvana Wasitova, Dov, Stephan, … and all individuals at Play4Agile22!


Christian Methfessel

Anja Stiedl

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